Sally Morrow-Cusack, a 16-year-old tapper from the North Liverpool Dance Academy (NLDA) has been awarded one of the available scholarships from the TDFUK Silver Sponsor, MIME Solutions Ltd.
Sally began dancing at NLDA at the tender age of 2, it wasn’t long before Sally realised her passion for tap. She continued to dance her way through the ISTD syllabus completing her Advanced 2 Tap Exam at the age of 15.
She competes in many dance festivals, most recently performing her new tap solo 42nd Street, which has been awarded 1st place. Sally has also competed in the UK Dance Class Championships in both Liverpool and Sheffield.
Sally is delighted to be offered a scholarship to take part in the Tap Dance Festival UK and to have the opportunity to dance with the Kerry Tap Ensemble in the Showcase. To say Sally is excited about this is the understatement!
“To be tapping with the very talented Maud Arnold and many more is just amazing! Thank you so much Dr Trish for offering me this fantastic opportunity”