Open Space at Tap Dance Festival UK

Do you want to lead a short class at Tap Dance Festival UK? Build your teaching portfolio, introduce yourself to others, and receive feedback from dancers around the world with Open Space. It’s open to all #TDFUK registered participants.


On Wednesday 17th February we will be facilitating our annual Open Space event.

Have something you would like to offer / share with the community? This is your opportunity! We have an open call for Open Space Facilitators.

How to get involved…

  • Plan a 30 – 60 minute session to include a short warm-up / warm-down
  • Give your session a theme or title
  • Give the session a focus / objective. What do you expect people to be able to learn / do by attending your session?
  • In less than a paragraph tell your audience a little bit about what we can expect to learn / do during the session. Don’t forget to include who your target audience is for this? Beg, Int, Adv, Adults, Juniors etc?

Share your interest with us by submitting your entries at on or before Wednesday 10th February.


What is Open Space?

As part of an ongoing effort to provide a platform which nurtures mutual understanding, fosters diversity, artistic and creative development and leadership capacity, we offer participants an opportunity to hold an Open Space session.

The aim of Open Space is to provide a exploratory and safe space for participants to share or introduce other Festival goers to a style of their choice or something they are working on and wish to share with others for feedback. This format is also an opportunity to assist participants build their own teaching portfolio, and is a opportunity for TDFUK to scout for Future Faculty.


TDFUK 5th Anniversary Virtual Edition Open Space

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