Harriet Leigh Spence

The wonderful Harriet Leigh Spence will be joining us at TDFUK 2022!

Harriet has been on the Faculty of Tap Dance Festival UK since its inception in 2017, and is passionate about bringing tap dance technique, in all its guises, and tap dance history, to students in the UK.

Harriet is a Tap and Jazz dancer with a specialism in rhythm tap technique and the Golden Hollywood era, as well as vernacular Jazz, Charleston and swing era dances. She is the co-founder of Theatre Tap London where she is on regular faculty at Pineapple Dance Studios, London, working with professional dancers for performance work, and with the aim of advancing tap dance within musical theatre.

She is an experienced rhythm tap dance teacher, performer and choreographer and has recently taken the post of Lecturer in Tap Dance at Leeds College of Music on their new Musical Theatre degree programme (2019). As a teacher of Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Ballroom and Latin. Harriet is also Assistant Principal of Go Dance Studios, a busy dance studio in Lincolnshire where she works with young aspiring dancers.

Harriet’s tap dance training has been extensively in NYC with mentor Barbara Duffy and tap masters at the forefront of their craft;Michelle Dorrance, Chloe Arnold, Ted Levy, Heather Cornell, Brenda Bufalino, Guillem Alonso, Lynn Schwab, Barbara Duffy, Derick Grant, Nicholas Young, Randy Skinner and Ray Hesselink.

Prior to her life in New York, Harriet studied musical theatre and dance at the Urdang Academy London, Footprints Tap Dance Centre in Germany, Off Jazz Dance Center in France and gained an undergraduate degree from the University of Durham.

“Harriet Spence is a dynamic performer of the highest caliber, always bringing joy, musicality and an infectious energy to her audiences”- Barbara Duffy

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