MIME Solutions Scholarship Award – Andrea Dowling

Tap Dance Festival UK and MIME Sponsor Logo

Tap Dance Festival UK MIME Solutions Scholarship Award Winner Andrea Dowling

Andrea Dowling, a 14-year-old dancer from the Kerry School of Music Dance Academy, Tralee, Ireland has been awarded one of the available scholarships from the TDFUK Silver Sponsor, MIME Solutions Ltd.

Andrea has been tap dancing for 18 months and has already competed at the National Dance Championships, Ireland.  She has also performed with her school at Siamsa Tire, the National Folk Theatre of Ireland. She originally started to tap dance because she wanted to do something different but now it’s fast becoming her favourite style of dance.

Andrea is looking forward to the Tap Dance Festival UK and to have the opportunity to dance with the Kerry Tap Ensemble in the Showcase.

“I am going to the TDFUK because I want to experience different styles of tap and to meet the professionals. I am very grateful to be awarded a scholarship from MIME SOLUTIONS and I can’t wait to see everyone there, Thanks Dr Trish!!”

Dr Trish Melton is the Managing Director for MIME Solutions Ltd, a Silver Sponsor for TDFUK 2018.
She is also a tap dancer, teacher and researcher and delighted to be bringing the Kerry Tap Ensemble to the festival and showcase.
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