We can’t wait to take Commercial and Jazz classes with Tom Shilcock at TDF2018 in Feb. Here we put Tom in the Faculty Spotlight. Read on to see what he has to say…..
What are you most looking forward to at Tap Dance Festival UK 2018?
Connecting with more dancers, Experiencing a whole day with them and Inspiring the next generation.
To you, what makes TDFUK different?
There no tap event in the UK like it, it’s one of a kind and I’d recommend dancers to check it out.
Do you have any upcoming projects which you’d like to share?
The 2018 Can You Dance Conventions. You can find more information about them here: http://www.canyoudancelive.com/ and I am launching a Can You Dance company, which is an opportunity for young dancers to train with top choreographers.
Is there any advice you would give to anyone attending TDFUK18, or to any upcoming tappers/dancers?
Come with an open mind, want to progress, want to learn and want to further your ability!
And finally, what can we expect from you at TDFUK? Why should we come to your workshop?
I’m going to give you the tools to make you a better dancer, help you achieve and progress your own career and goals.